With 4 divisions, private schools are less concentrated in the smallest division. Overall, private schools win 1.7 times more than expected. Only one private school participates in class 4A. Calculating the win ratio without class 4A increases the private school win ratio to 1.85.
With 4 divisions, private schools are less concentrated in the smallest division. Overall, private schools win 1.9 times more than expected, with the most success in the 3A division. only 1 private school competes in 4A Girls Basketball.
Hockey is the sport in which private schools compete in the largest quantity at the highest division. Seven(7) schools representing nearly 10% of the schools in the AA class are private. This sport gives us a glimpse of what could be- private schools are effective at competing with large public schools. There is still significant inequity in the class A division with private schools winning 3.7 times as much as expected.
Girls Hockey, like boys, has the more private schools competing in the largest division than other sports. Six(6) schools representing nearly 10% of the schools in the AA class are private. This sport gives us a glimpse of what could be- private schools are effective at competing with large public schools. There is still significant inequity in the class A division with private schools winning 4.8 times as much as expected.
Private schools only field 5 teams statewide in Boys swimming and diving, according to the MSHSL website. That small number hasn't kept them from winning 93% of the class A championships between 2006-2019. Only 1 private school competes in AA boys swimmng and diving.
Wrestling is the only team sport in which private schools do not win more than expected. Statewide, only 9 private schools field wrestling teams across all divisions, comprising 4 percent of all teams. No private schools compete in the AAA division.
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