Are private and public schools the same?
What are the socioeconomic differences between schools?
Are schools placed into the correct divisions?
Grouping schools solely on enrollment provides a competitive advantage to private schools. Student participation rates in athletics in private schools are 1.3-1.5 (or greater) times higher than public schools.
Public and Private school students differ in regards to socioeconomic status, highlighted by lower rates in private schools of:
Private schools' history of success has created an attraction for certain student athletes to select a particular private school for the purpose of competing on their athletic teams.
Private schools disproportionately compete against the smallest public schools in Minnesota, which are also the districts with the lowest median household incomes in the state.
This chart of data related to MSHSL boys basketball highlights the median household incomes of the public schools that compete in each division. Household income decreases as the school sizes decrease, while a higher percentage of private schools also compete against these least wealthy public schools. In all sports, the household incomes decreased as the school sizes decreased.
The largest competitive divisions in the state are comprised of the wealthiest public school districts.. The largest(and wealthiest) schools in Minnesota compete against 2 or less private schools in all sports except hockey and tennis.
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